Supplying & Earning
Supplying Assets Navigate to the "Supply" area, select the asset you wish to supply, and enter the amount. Once you confirm the transaction, your deposit is recorded, and you start earning interest. Note: An additional approval transaction is necessary for the first time you contribute an asset.
Earnings Potential The earnings for holders of aToken fluctuate with market conditions, originating from the interest generated on loans. Your earnings are a share of the interest paid by borrowers, calculated as the average borrowing rate times the asset's utilization rate. A higher utilization rate means more earnings for suppliers. Utilization rate U is defined as the total borrowed amount divided by the total deposited amount.
Understanding aToken An aToken acts as a receipt for an underlying asset deposited in Pu239, accruing interest from loans. aTokens can be exchanged back to the corresponding underlying asset anytime, depending on the liquidity available. For instance, swapping one aBTC for one BTC is feasible.
Supply Limits There is no minimum requirement for supply; however, for very small amounts, transaction costs might exceed the anticipated income. Pu239 also sets a Supply Cap parameter, controlled by its Governance, limiting the maximum amount of the asset that can be supplied. Check the current supply caps and reserve statuses on the live dashboard.
Borrowing Rates You cannot borrow at both stable and variable rates for the same asset simultaneously. If you switch rates, it affects the total debt for that asset. Nonetheless, different assets may have different borrowing rates.
Withdrawing Assets To withdraw assets, go to the "Dashboard," click βWithdraw,β and execute the transaction. Your βaTokensβ can be used for liquidity purposes without actually withdrawing them. Ensure adequate un-borrowed liquidity is available; otherwise, wait for more liquidity through other suppliers or repayments from borrowers.
Opting Out of Collateral Use After depositing, you can opt out of using your asset as collateral in the "Supply" section of your dashboard by turning off the "use as collateral" option for the desired asset. Note: It is possible to withdraw assets without deselecting them as collateral, unless they are currently being used for borrowing, which could trigger liquidation if withdrawn.
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